I have always considered place in different scales, mainly two: a place which a person can conceive through his or her all senses, that is, be in a place, holding something, eating something, hearing, smelling and seeing as far as naked eyes can perceive. This place is, in general, a three-dimensional object. What about a place as an identity, which you cannot see as a whole picture yet, your feelings for it defines an understanding of a place? This place is a feeling, feeling of love, hatred, identity, character. In this understanding of two types of places, all the spaces come. The range can be from a small chair or outdoor lawn to a room with equipment or a building’s corridor to a local neighbourhood, a city altogether or a unique geographical region.
A child’s place was a womb for 9 months of his life, then a small bed for 1-2 years of his life and it starts increasing in this ascending scale. Also, the understanding of place starts to change in this context. Place where you sit, sleep, place where you run and play, a place where you to go study and so on. Places where you belong to you, your neighbourhood with small colourful shop, and your city with the ancient monument or your country with the unique bird in the world. The perspective of place hence changes.